We hope to organize a Sport Stacking competition on 14 Nov 2019 (Thurs) at *SCAPE, both for contributing to the numbers for the 2019 Stack Up! Guinness World Record (Most number of people Sport Stacking at multiple locations in one day, see: thewssa.com for more details) as well as letting fast hands face-off with their skills in the Ultimate Track Meet for the hands – Sport Stacking.
Please let us know if you will be able to attend this competition if it were to start at 12:00pm (noon) and end at 7:00pm on the same day
If the response is poor, we will not hold the competition.
Please let us know by 15 October 2019, either by email (to info@wssasg.com), Whatsapp or text (to mobile number 96246149)